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bicchiere Può essere divertente per chiunque

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€ 2,18 Colored Murano glass wand with a length of about 33 cm. All wands have coefficient 104 and can be used with plate glass, with murrine and grits with the same coefficient. Sopra addition to their traditional use for the creation of beads and objects in glass fusion or lampworking, as well as for creative hobbies and DIY, the rods can be used as home decor, are Con fact very colorful and beautiful to see even as interior decoration for your home.

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€ 0,07 Stained glass grits used by master glassmakers during their artistic work. Available Per our site Per mezzo di different colors and Per mezzo di different sizes so more or less coarse depending on the use you have to do. All our grits are made of Murano glass (coefficient 104) and can be used with glass sheets, rods and murrine of the same coefficient (we always recommend a compatibility test before each work).

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€ 0,07 Stained glass grits used by master glassmakers during their artistic work. Available Con our site Con different colors and Con different sizes so more or less coarse depending on the use you have to do. All our grits are made of Murano glass (coefficient 104) and can be used with glass sheets, rods and murrine of the same coefficient (we always recommend a compatibility test before each work).

Possiamo far ritirarsi Per questa classe ancora i bicchieri Attraverso Moscow Mule, dal tipico colore ramato.

€ 1,95 Colored Murano glass wand with a length of about 33 cm. All wands have coefficient 104 and can be used with plate glass, with murrine and grits with the same coefficient. In addition to their traditional use for the creation of beads and objects in glass fusion or lampworking, as well as for creative hobbies and DIY, the rods can be used as home decor, are Per mezzo di fact very colorful and beautiful to see even as interior decoration for your home.

€ 1,94 Colored Murano glass wand with a length of about 33 cm. All wands have coefficient 104 and can be used with plate glass, with murrine and grits with the same coefficient. Durante addition to their traditional use for the creation of beads and objects Con glass fusion or lampworking, as well as for creative hobbies and DIY, the rods can be used as home decor, are Per mezzo di fact very colorful and beautiful to see even as interior decoration for your home.

Le informazioni e consigli su rimedi naturali (prevalentemente per il serenità, la Rifugio, la fascino e l’alimentazione) contenuti Con questo ambiente sono presentati al soletto obiettivo informativo, non sostituiscono in nessun avventura il stima del consolatore curante se no del professionista della Salvezza cosa ha Sopra premura il lettore.

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